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This document is not about Fizzbuzz. This document is a suggestion to simplify the build process of software projects, a demo of an homogeneous and consistent development and documentation environment. Fizzbuzz is just an application example.



Lots of software projects involve various tools, free as well as commercial, to build the software, run the tests, produce the documentation, … These tools use different data formats and scripting languages, which makes the projects less scalable and harder to maintain.

Sharing data between configuration files, documentations, tests results can then be painful and counter productive (the necessary glue is often more complex than the tools themselves).

Usually people script their build systems and processes with languages like Bash, Python, Javascript and make them communicate with plain text, YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, INI, TOML. Every script shall rely on specific (existing or not) libraries to read and write these data formats.

This document presents a common and powerful data format and some tools to script the build process of a project and generate documentation.

To sum up the suggested solution is:


Lua is the perfect candidate for both a common data format and a script language.

What is Lua?

Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.

Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.

Why choose Lua?

Lua is a proven, robust language

Lua has been used in many industrial applications (e.g., Adobe’s Photoshop Lightroom), with an emphasis on embedded systems (e.g., the Ginga middleware for digital TV in Brazil) and games (e.g., World of Warcraft and Angry Birds). Lua is currently the leading scripting language in games. Lua has a solid reference manual and there are several books about it. Several versions of Lua have been released and used in real applications since its creation in 1993. Lua featured in HOPL III, the Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference, in 2007. Lua won the Front Line Award 2011 from the Game Developers Magazine.

Lua is fast

Lua has a deserved reputation for performance. To claim to be “as fast as Lua” is an aspiration of other scripting languages. Several benchmarks show Lua as the fastest language in the realm of interpreted scripting languages. Lua is fast not only in fine-tuned benchmark programs, but in real life too. Substantial fractions of large applications have been written in Lua.

Lua is portable

Lua is distributed in a small package and builds out-of-the-box in all platforms that have a standard C compiler. Lua runs on all flavors of Unix and Windows, on mobile devices (running Android, iOS, BREW, Symbian, Windows Phone), on embedded microprocessors (such as ARM and Rabbit, for applications like Lego MindStorms), on IBM mainframes, etc.

Lua is powerful (but simple)

A fundamental concept in the design of Lua is to provide meta-mechanisms for implementing features, instead of providing a host of features directly in the language. For example, although Lua is not a pure object-oriented language, it does provide meta-mechanisms for implementing classes and inheritance. Lua’s meta-mechanisms bring an economy of concepts and keep the language small, while allowing the semantics to be extended in unconventional ways.

Lua is small

Adding Lua to an application does not bloat it. The tarball for Lua 5.4, which contains source code and documentation, takes 353K compressed and 1.3M uncompressed. The source contains around 30000 lines of C. Under 64-bit Linux, the Lua interpreter built with all standard Lua libraries takes 281K and the Lua library takes 468K.

Lua is free

Lua is free open-source software, distributed under a very liberal license (the well-known MIT license). It may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no cost. Just download it and use it.


LuaX is a Lua interpreter and REPL based on Lua 5.4, augmented with some useful packages. LuaX can also produce standalone executables from Lua scripts.

LuaX runs on several platforms with no dependency:

LuaX can cross-compile scripts from and to any of these platforms.

LuaX comes with a standard Lua interpreter and provides some libraries (embedded in a single executable, no external dependency required):

More information here: http://cdelord.fr/luax

Scripting with LuaX

LuaX can be used as a general programming language. There are plenty of good documentations for Lua and LuaX.

A big advantage of Lua is the usage of Lua tables as a common data format usable by various tools. It is Human-readable and structured. It can be generated by Lua scripts but also by any software producing text files.

Typical usages are:

The next chapters present some tools written in Lua/LuaX or using Lua as a scripting engine.


Bang is a ninja file generator scriptable in LuaX, a Lua interpreter with a bunch of useful modules (file management, functional programming module, basic cryptography, …). It takes a build description (a LuaX script) and generates a Ninja file.

Bang provides functions to generate ninja primitives (variables, rules, build statements, …) and some extra features:

Bang comes with an example that shows how to use bang and LuaX functions to:

Bang is currently used to build bang itself but also LuaX and some projects available on my GitHub.


Ypp is a minimalist and generic text preprocessor using Lua macros.

Ypp is compiled by LuaX, i.e. Lua and LuaX functions and modules are available in macros.

More information here: http://cdelord.fr/ypp

Ypp is pretty simple. It searches for Lua expressions and replaces macros with their results.

Macro Result
@(...) Evaluates the Lua expression ... and replaces the macro by its result
@@(...) Executes the Lua chunk ... and replaces the macro by its result (if not nil)

Some expression do not require parentheses (function calls).


\sum_{i=1}^{100} i^2 = @F.range(100):map(function(x) return x*x end):sum()

is rendered as

\[ \sum_{i=1}^{100} i^2 = 338350 \]

Macros can also define variables reusable later by other macros.

    local foo = 42
    N = foo * 23 + 34
    local function sq(x) return x*x end
    function sumsq(n) return F.range(n):map(sq):sum() end

defines N (\(N = 1000\)) which can be read in a Lua expression or with @N and sumsq which computes the sum of squares.


\sum_{i=1}^{@N} i^2 = @sumsq(N)


\[ \sum_{i=1}^{1000} i^2 = 333833500 \]


Pandoc is a swiss-army knife to convert from and to a bunch of document formats.

A big advantage of Pandoc is the ability to use Lua scripts to define custom readers and writers for unsupported formats and also Lua filters to manipulate the pandoc abstract syntax tree (AST). This is the main pandoc feature exercised in this document.

Pandoc has an excellent documentation:

Fizzbuzz uses pandoc Lua filters with Panda (see next chapter) which bundles some useful filters in a single script.


Panda is a Pandoc Lua filter that works on internal Pandoc’s AST.

It provides several interesting features:

The documentation of Panda is here: http://cdelord.fr/panda


There are lots of examples in the documentation of panda. We will see here two of them.

Documentation extraction from source code

The source code can be documented by adding special marks in comments. The documentation shall be written in Markdown. The default mark is @@@ and can be customized.

For instance, the following C source contains documentation that can be extracted and included to a Pandoc document.

**`answer`** takes any question
and returns the most relevant answer.

``` c
    const char *meaning
        = answer("What's the meaning of life?");

const char *answer(const char *question)
    return "42";

To extract the documentation, panda provides a macro to replace a div element by the documentation chunks from a file. E.g.:


will be replaced by:

answer takes any question and returns the most relevant answer.


    const char *meaning
        = answer("What's the meaning of life?");


Diagrams can be embedded in Pandoc documents. Diagrams are specified as code blocks and are replaced by an image by panda.

```{.dot render="{{dot}}" width=67%}
digraph {
    input -> pandoc -> output
    pandoc -> panda -> {pandoc, diagrams}
    { rank=same; pandoc, panda }
    { rank=same; diagrams, output }
```{render="{{gnuplot}}" width=67%}
set xrange [-pi:pi]
set yrange [-1.5:1.5]
plot sin(x) lw 4, cos(x) lw 4

Precompiled LuaX binaries

cdelord.fr/pub provides LuaX binaries as well as some other useful softwares (LuaX based tools, Pandoc…).

These tools are used to pre-process files and generate documents, using Lua as a common, simple and powerful scripting language.

These tools can easily be installed with a single shell command:

curl https://cdelord.fr/pub/luax-full.sh | sh

More details on cdelord.fr/pub, especially for Windows users who may need to download a Zip archive and decompress it manually.


Fizzbuzz is a concrete example of the usage of LuaX/ypp/pandoc/panda to specify and test a software.


From Wikipedia:

Fizz buzz is a group word game for children to teach them about division. Players take turns to count incrementally, replacing any number divisible by three with the word “fizz”, and any number divisible by five with the word “buzz”.

fizzbuzz is a function that returns "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz" or n for any positive integer n.

\[ fizzbuzz : \mathbb{N}^+ \to \{fizz, buzz, fizzbuzz\} \cup \mathbb{N}^+ \] \[ fizzbuzz(n) = \begin{cases} \text{"fizzbuzz" } & \text{if } (3|n) \land (5|n) \\ \text{"fizz" } & \text{if } (3|n) \land \lnot (5|n) \\ \text{"buzz" } & \text{if } (5|n) \land \lnot (3|n) \\ n & \text{if } \lnot (3|n) \land \lnot (5|n) \\ \end{cases} \]


SPEC_API: fizzbuzz command line argument

The fizzbuzz program takes one argument that specify the number for fizzbuzz values to generate.

SPEC_OUT: fizzbuzz output on stdout

The fizzbuzz program emits fizzbuzz values on the standard output. Each line contains n and fizzbuzz(n).


$ fizzbuzz 6
1   1
2   2
3   fizz
4   4
5   buzz
6   fizz

SPEC_FIZZ: fizz when n is a multiple of 3 but not 5

If n is a multiple of 3 but not 5, then fizzbuzz(n) is "fizz".

SPEC_BUZZ: buzz when n is a multiple of 5 but not 3

If n is a multiple of 5 but not 3, then fizzbuzz(n) is "buzz".

SPEC_FIZZBUZZ: fizzbuzz n is a when multiple of 3 and 5

If n is a multiple of 3 and 5, then fizzbuzz(n) is "fizzbuzz".

SPEC_NUM: n when n is a not a multiple of 3 and 5

If n is a multiple of 3 and 5, then fizzbuzz(n) is "fizzbuzz".


n fizzbuzz(n) n fizzbuzz(n) n fizzbuzz(n) n fizzbuzz(n)
1 1 6 fizz 11 11 16 16
2 2 7 7 12 fizz 17 17
3 fizz 8 8 13 13 18 fizz
4 4 9 fizz 14 14 19 19
5 buzz 10 buzz 15 fizzbuzz 20 buzz


Lua implementation

The Lua implementation of Fizzbuzz is based on a functional style, using function compositions.

It computes the "fizz" and "buzz" parts and return them if at least one of them is not nil. Otherwise it returns its argument unchanged.

local function div(d, s, n)
    return n % d == 0 and s or nil

local fizz = F.partial(div, 3, "fizz")
local buzz = F.partial(div, 5, "buzz")

local function combine(a, b)
    return a and (a..(b or "")) or b

local function fizzbuzz(n)
    return combine(fizz(n), buzz(n)) or n

C implementation

The C implementation of Fizzbuzz uses an array of string formats used by sprintf to produce "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz" or the function argument.

The array index is a 2-bit integer, each bit being the divisilibity of the argument by 3 or 5.

const char *fizzbuzz(int i, char *s)
    static const char *fmt[] = {
        [0|(0<<1)] = "%d",
        [1|(0<<1)] = "fizz",
        [0|(1<<1)] = "buzz",
        [1|(1<<1)] = "fizzbuzz",
    const int fizz = (i%3 == 0) << 0;
    const int buzz = (i%5 == 0) << 1;
    sprintf(s, fmt[fizz|buzz], i);
    return s;

Haskell implementation

The Haskell implementation of Fizzbuzz builds infinite lists of fizzes, buzzes and integers.

The functions fizzbuzz builds three infinite lists and combine them.

ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 …
fizzes . . fizz . . fizz . . fizz . . fizz . . fizz …
buzzes . . . . buzz . . . . buzz . . . . buzz …

\[ fizzbuzz(n) = \begin{cases} fizz + buzz & \text{if } fizz \ne Nothing \lor buzz \ne Nothing \\ n & \text{if } fizz = buzz = Nothing \\ \end{cases} \]

fizzbuzz :: [String]
fizzbuzz = zipWith3 combine fizzes buzzes ns
        ws d w = cycle $ replicate (d-1) Nothing ++ [Just w]
        fizzes = ws 3 "fizz"
        buzzes = ws 4 "buzz" -- bug that shall be detected by the tests
        ns = show <$> [1..]
        combine f b n = fromMaybe n (f<>b)


The results of the Fizzbuzz executables are checked by the test script fizzbuzz_test.lua. This script check the fizzbuzz results and produces a Lua table with the test results. This script will later be used to build the test reports.

Test plan

Each fizzbuzz implementation is executed (with 50 values). The results are checked by fizzbuzz_test.lua and stored in a Lua table.

The fizzbuzz values are recorded in the fizzbuzz field of the test result table.

TEST_API: number of fizzbuzz values

SPEC_API: fizzbuzz command line argument

The fizzbuzz list contains 50 values.

The result of this test is recorded in the valid_number_of_lines field of the test result table.

TEST_OUT: output on stdout

SPEC_OUT: fizzbuzz output on stdout

The fizzbuzz list is emitted on stdout.

TEST_FIZZ: “fizz” values

SPEC_FIZZ: fizz when n is a multiple of 3 but not 5

All multiples of 3 but not 5 are "fizz".

The result of this test is recorded in the valid_fizz field of the test result table.

TEST_BUZZ: “buzz” values

SPEC_BUZZ: buzz when n is a multiple of 5 but not 3

All multiples of 5 but not 3 are "buzz".

The result of this test is recorded in the valid_buzz field of the test result table.

TEST_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values

SPEC_FIZZBUZZ: fizzbuzz n is a when multiple of 3 and 5

All multiples of 3 and 5 are "fizzbuzz".

The result of this test is recorded in the valid_fizzbuzz field of the test result table.

TEST_NUM: integral values

SPEC_NUM: n when n is a not a multiple of 3 and 5

All non multiples of 3 and 5 are themselves.

The result of this test is recorded in the valid_numbers field of the test result table.

Test reports

Lua implementation

The Lua fizzbuzz function returns:

1, 2, fizz, 4, buzz, fizz, 7, 8, fizz, buzz, 11, fizz, 13, 14, fizzbuzz, 16, 17, fizz, 19, buzz, fizz, 22, 23, fizz, buzz, 26, fizz, 28, 29, fizzbuzz, 31, 32, fizz, 34, buzz, fizz, 37, 38, fizz, buzz, 41, fizz, 43, 44, fizzbuzz, 46, 47, fizz, 49, buzz

RES_LUA_API: number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]

TEST_API: number of fizzbuzz values

RES_LUA_OUT: output on stdout [PASS]

TEST_OUT: output on stdout

RES_LUA_FIZZ: “fizz” values [PASS]

TEST_FIZZ: “fizz” values

RES_LUA_BUZZ: “buzz” values [PASS]

TEST_BUZZ: “buzz” values

RES_LUA_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values [PASS]

TEST_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values

RES_LUA_NUM: integral values [PASS]

TEST_NUM: integral values

Summary: 5 / 5 tests passed

C implementation

The C fizzbuzz function returns:

1, 2, fizz, 4, buzz, fizz, 7, 8, fizz, buzz, 11, fizz, 13, 14, fizzbuzz, 16, 17, fizz, 19, buzz, fizz, 22, 23, fizz, buzz, 26, fizz, 28, 29, fizzbuzz, 31, 32, fizz, 34, buzz, fizz, 37, 38, fizz, buzz, 41, fizz, 43, 44, fizzbuzz, 46, 47, fizz, 49, buzz

RES_C_API: number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]

TEST_API: number of fizzbuzz values

RES_C_OUT: output on stdout [PASS]

TEST_OUT: output on stdout

RES_C_FIZZ: “fizz” values [PASS]

TEST_FIZZ: “fizz” values

RES_C_BUZZ: “buzz” values [PASS]

TEST_BUZZ: “buzz” values

RES_C_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values [PASS]

TEST_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values

RES_C_NUM: integral values [PASS]

TEST_NUM: integral values

Summary: 5 / 5 tests passed

Haskell implementation

The Haskell fizzbuzz function returns:

1, 2, fizz, buzz, 5, fizz, 7, buzz, fizz, 10, 11, fizzbuzz, 13, 14, fizz, buzz, 17, fizz, 19, buzz, fizz, 22, 23, fizzbuzz, 25, 26, fizz, buzz, 29, fizz, 31, buzz, fizz, 34, 35, fizzbuzz, 37, 38, fizz, buzz, 41, fizz, 43, buzz, fizz, 46, 47, fizzbuzz, 49, 50

RES_HS_API: number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]

TEST_API: number of fizzbuzz values

RES_HS_OUT: output on stdout [PASS]

TEST_OUT: output on stdout

RES_HS_FIZZ: “fizz” values [FAIL]

TEST_FIZZ: “fizz” values

RES_HS_BUZZ: “buzz” values [FAIL]

TEST_BUZZ: “buzz” values

RES_HS_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values [FAIL]

TEST_FIZZBUZZ: “fizzbuzz” values

RES_HS_NUM: integral values [FAIL]

TEST_NUM: integral values

Summary: 1 / 5 tests passed

Lua / C / Haskell comparison

n Lua C Haskell Comparison
1 1 1 1 OK
2 2 2 2 OK
3 fizz fizz fizz OK
4 4 4 buzz FAIL
5 buzz buzz 5 FAIL
6 fizz fizz fizz OK
7 7 7 7 OK
8 8 8 buzz FAIL
9 fizz fizz fizz OK
10 buzz buzz 10 FAIL
11 11 11 11 OK
12 fizz fizz fizzbuzz FAIL
13 13 13 13 OK
14 14 14 14 OK
15 fizzbuzz fizzbuzz fizz FAIL
16 16 16 buzz FAIL
17 17 17 17 OK
18 fizz fizz fizz OK
19 19 19 19 OK
20 buzz buzz buzz OK
21 fizz fizz fizz OK
22 22 22 22 OK
23 23 23 23 OK
24 fizz fizz fizzbuzz FAIL
25 buzz buzz 25 FAIL
26 26 26 26 OK
27 fizz fizz fizz OK
28 28 28 buzz FAIL
29 29 29 29 OK
30 fizzbuzz fizzbuzz fizz FAIL
31 31 31 31 OK
32 32 32 buzz FAIL
33 fizz fizz fizz OK
34 34 34 34 OK
35 buzz buzz 35 FAIL
36 fizz fizz fizzbuzz FAIL
37 37 37 37 OK
38 38 38 38 OK
39 fizz fizz fizz OK
40 buzz buzz buzz OK
41 41 41 41 OK
42 fizz fizz fizz OK
43 43 43 43 OK
44 44 44 buzz FAIL
45 fizzbuzz fizzbuzz fizz FAIL
46 46 46 46 OK
47 47 47 47 OK
48 fizz fizz fizzbuzz FAIL
49 49 49 49 OK
50 buzz buzz 50 FAIL

Coverage matrix

File fizzbuzz.pdf
SPEC_API fizzbuzz command line argument
SPEC_OUT fizzbuzz output on stdout
SPEC_FIZZ fizz when n is a multiple of 3 but not 5
SPEC_BUZZ buzz when n is a multiple of 5 but not 3
SPEC_FIZZBUZZ fizzbuzz n is a when multiple of 3 and 5
SPEC_NUM n when n is a not a multiple of 3 and 5

number of fizzbuzz values

  • SPEC_API: fizzbuzz command line argument

output on stdout


“fizz” values

  • SPEC_FIZZ: fizz when n is a multiple of 3 but not 5

“buzz” values

  • SPEC_BUZZ: buzz when n is a multiple of 5 but not 3

“fizzbuzz” values


integral values

  • SPEC_NUM: n when n is a not a multiple of 3 and 5

number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]


output on stdout [PASS]


“fizz” values [PASS]


“buzz” values [PASS]


“fizzbuzz” values [PASS]


integral values [PASS]


number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]


output on stdout [PASS]


“fizz” values [PASS]


“buzz” values [PASS]


“fizzbuzz” values [PASS]


integral values [PASS]


number of fizzbuzz values [PASS]


output on stdout [PASS]


“fizz” values [FAIL]


“buzz” values [FAIL]


“fizzbuzz” values [FAIL]


integral values [FAIL]


Fizzbuzz repository: https://github.com/CDSoft/fizzbuzz

This document is not about Fizzbuzz. This document is a suggestion to simplify the build process of software projects. Fizzbuzz is just an application example.

Lua: https://www.lua.org

Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.

Lua documentation: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/

The reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language.

LuaX: https://github.com/CDSoft/luax

LuaX is a Lua interpreter and REPL based on Lua 5.4, augmented with some useful packages. LuaX can also produce standalone executables from Lua scripts.

bang: https://github.com/CDSoft/bang

Bang is a Ninja file generator scriptable in LuaX.

ypp: https://github.com/CDSoft/ypp

Ypp is a minimalist and generic text preprocessor using Lua macros.

Pandoc: https://pandoc.org

Pandoc is a universal document converter. If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife.

Pandoc manual: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html

Pandoc User’s Guide

Pandoc’s Markdown: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown

Pandoc understands an extended and slightly revised version of John Gruber’s Markdown syntax. This document explains the syntax, noting differences from original Markdown.

Pandoc Lua filters: https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html

Pandoc has long supported filters, which allow the pandoc abstract syntax tree (AST) to be manipulated between the parsing and the writing phase. Traditional pandoc filters accept a JSON representation of the pandoc AST and produce an altered JSON representation of the AST. They may be written in any programming language, and invoked from pandoc using the --filter option.

Although traditional filters are very flexible, they have a couple of disadvantages. First, there is some overhead in writing JSON to stdout and reading it from stdin (twice, once on each side of the filter). Second, whether a filter will work will depend on details of the user’s environment. A filter may require an interpreter for a certain programming language to be available, as well as a library for manipulating the pandoc AST in JSON form. One cannot simply provide a filter that can be used by anyone who has a certain version of the pandoc executable.

Starting with version 2.0, pandoc makes it possible to write filters in Lua without any external dependencies at all. A Lua interpreter (version 5.3) and a Lua library for creating pandoc filters is built into the pandoc executable. Pandoc data types are marshaled to Lua directly, avoiding the overhead of writing JSON to stdout and reading it from stdin.

Panda: https://github.com/CDSoft/panda

Panda is a Pandoc Lua filter that works on internal Pandoc’s AST.

  1. from https://www.lua.org/about.html↩︎