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Toy Parser Generator is a lexical and syntactic parser generator for Python. This generator was born from a simple statement: YACC is too complex to use in simple cases (calculators, configuration files, small programming languages, ...).
TPG can very simply write parsers that are useful for most every day needs (even if it can't make your coffee). With a very clear and simple syntax, you can write an attributed grammar that is translated into a recursive descendant parser. TPG generated code is very closed to the original grammar. This means that the parser works like the grammar. A grammar rule can be seen as a method of the parser class, symbols as method calls, attributes as method parameters and semantic values as return values. You can also add Python code directly into grammar rules and build abstract syntax trees while parsing.
The first application of TPG is TPG itself. The first (not released) version of TPG has been written by hand then was used to generate next versions. Now TPG can generate itself.
For an up-to-date documentation, please read tpg.pdf.
Please let me know if you use TPG in one of your projects. I will add you in the list of projects using TPG.
TPG can be downloaded on Github: https://github.com/CDSoft/tpg.
The author can be contacted on GitHub as well as at http://cdelord.fr/tpg.
Python 2.2 or newer is required. TPG works with both Python 2 and 3.
The lexical scanner uses Python regular expressions. The text is split before being parsed by the grammar rules.
TPG isn't based on predictive algorithms with tables like LL(k). The
main idea was instead to try every possible choices and to accept the
first choice that match the input. So when a choice point is reached -
say A|B|C
- the parser will first try to recognize
. If this fails it will try B
and if
necessary C
. So contrary to LL(k) parsers the order of the
branches of choice points is very important for TPG. In fact this method
has been inspired from Prolog DGC parsers. But remember that when a
choice has been done, even if their are more possible choices, it can't
be undone (in Prolog it can). The text to be parsed has to be stored in
a string in memory (backtracking is simpler this way). During the
parsing, the current position is stored in internal TPG variables for
all terminal and non-terminal symbols.
So we can say that TPG uses a sort of very limited backtracking.
This algorithm is easily implementable. Any rule is translated into a class method without having to compute a prediction table. The main drawbacks of this method is that you have to be careful when you write your grammar (as in Prolog).
This page presents a well known example: a calculator.
More detailed examples are given in the documentation of TPG.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import operator
import string
import tpg
if tpg.__python__ == 3:
= operator.truediv
operator.div raw_input = input
def make_op(op):
return {
'+' : operator.add,
'-' : operator.sub,
'*' : operator.mul,
'/' : operator.div,
'%' : operator.mod,
'^' : lambda x,y:x**y,
'**' : lambda x,y:x**y,
'cos' : math.cos,
'sin' : math.sin,
'tan' : math.tan,
'acos': math.acos,
'asin': math.asin,
'atan': math.atan,
'sqr' : lambda x:x*x,
'sqrt': math.sqrt,
'abs' : abs,
'norm': lambda x,y:math.sqrt(x*x+y*y),
class Calc(tpg.Parser, dict):
separator space '\s+' ;
token pow_op '\^|\*\*' $ make_op
token add_op '[+-]' $ make_op
token mul_op '[*/%]' $ make_op
token funct1 '(cos|sin|tan|acos|asin|atan|sqr|sqrt|abs)\b' $ make_op
token funct2 '(norm)\b' $ make_op
token real '(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+' $ float
token integer '\d+' $ int
token VarId '[a-zA-Z_]\w*' ;
START/e ->
'vars' $ e=self.mem()
| VarId/v '=' Expr/e $ self[v]=e
| Expr/e
Var/$self.get(v,0)$ -> VarId/v ;
Expr/e -> Term/e ( add_op/op Term/t $ e=op(e,t)
Term/t -> Fact/t ( mul_op/op Fact/f $ t=op(t,f)
Fact/f ->
add_op/op Fact/f $ f=op(0,f)
| Pow/f
Pow/f -> Atom/f ( pow_op/op Fact/e $ f=op(f,e)
Atom/a ->
| integer/a
| Function/a
| Var/a
| '\(' Expr/a '\)'
Function/y ->
funct1/f '\(' Expr/x '\)' $ y = f(x)
| funct2/f '\(' Expr/x1 ',' Expr/x2 '\)' $ y = f(x1,x2)
def mem(self):
vars = sorted(self.items())
= [ "%s = %s"%(var, val) for (var, val) in vars ]
memory return "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(memory)
print("Calc (TPG example)")
= Calc()
calc while 1:
= raw_input("\n:")
l if l:
except Exception:
The documentation is available online in PDF format.
Extract and run python setup.py install
The Windows installer is not available anymore because of a virus infection. I will now only distribute source packages.
Toy Parser Generator (itself ;-)
distributed command execution
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